St. John’s Lutheran Church 13115 Telegraph, Taylor 734-287-2080 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile, Pastor Sunday, February 2, 2025 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S Sunday, Feb 2 9:30a – New Member Received Upcoming Events Thursday, February 6 6p – Ladies Aid Prayer Meeting Saturday, February 8 9a-3p – Flea Market (Fellowship/Youth)
Welcome VISITORS and FRIENDS - We are honored to have you worship with us today! Please wear a maskif you wish. RESTROOMS are off the lounge to the right (south side) of the main entrance. When leaving the pews, they will be on your left. The tower stairs (to your right while leaving the pews) lead down to the basement where there are another pair of restrooms. Feel free to use the LOUNGE if you or your children need a break. Since the Sacrament of Communion is administered to those instructed and examined in the Faith as Confessional Lutherans understand it, you will receive a verbal blessing unless you speak with Pastor beforehand. Families with young children are always welcome to worship with us. Feel free to take a quiet bag with coloring pages and crayons to your seat, found hanging in the coat closet.
Bible Study meets today following the service at 11a– please join us! We study the 11 periods of Bible History. Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be offered.
Sunday school continues this week in the school building. This class is open to school-aged children and youth and meets in the school building immediately following the Voter’s meeting.
Zoom Bible Study meets today, Sunday, February 2, 2025. Email [email protected] and ask for link. We study I Peter 4 & 5.
Women’s Bible Study meets in February on the 18th @ 6p and 21st @ 9a. See the post in the narthex or speak with Laura Lenihan or Barb Zeile.
Please join us for an Altar Guild Training and Review at 3:30 on Saturday, February 8, 2025. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to have your questions answered by Pastor Zeile about all aspects of the sacrament and altar care. In addition, we would like to thank Diane Selvidge for all her years of Altar Guild service.
New Members are received next week Sunday, February 2 by transfer or by affirmation of faith. We will also enroll catechumens, that is, those who intend to take the Pastor’s information class so as to affirm a Lutheran understanding of the Christian Faith and be received as members on Holy Saturday (April 19) through the rite of confirmation. Start now by filling out a new member application.
2025 Givings Statements have been placed in your family box.
Stewardship ThoughtMatthew 8:8 – “But the centurion replied, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.’” The Word of the Lord is powerful and effective. What God says, goes. “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). And there was light. His Word is still effective and creative for us: “This is my Body given for you.” “Your sins are forgiven.” This is why it is no burden for us to live according to the Word of God: we know that His Word is always bent on our blessing.
Friendship Sunday Plan NOW to invite friends and neighbors to our Friendship Sunday on February 23rd. No Bible study will be held that day. Following immediately after church, the youth will be hosting a Soup & Chili Cook-off in the school building, followed by a cake walk and card games.
A Riverview Nursing Home, Bellaire, has invited us to do a regular service for residents – monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly. Day and time to be determined. If you wish to be part of this, See Pastor Zeile.
Mailboxes With the holidays behind us, now it's time to clean out our mailboxes (everyone has one). Please stop by after service today and get those Christmas cards!
Members are invited to Theology Day on Saturday, Feb 1st in Lansing, MI, 8a-3p. This is supported by our MI District – LCMS and the theme is “We Are Not Alone: Engaging Your Community Together.” Let Pastor know your interest.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church is to conserve and promote the true Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in our members, our community, and our world. We offer prayers today for those listed and those we hold dear in our hearts. For those suffering in Areas of War & Natural Disaster
For Military and those who Protect Our Country–
Upcoming Surgeries, Hospitals Stays, & Recovery
In need of Healing –
Those in College Elizabeth Bauer, Jacob Bias, Peyton Culpepper, Jacob Datema, Matthew Turner, Rachel Turner, Rachel Zorn
For those who Mourn the family and friends of Wally Winters who passed away on Tuesday, Jan 21. Funeral details to be announced.
Flower Dedication – Given in Honor of Wally Winters