St. John’s Lutheran Church 13115 Telegraph Rd Taylor, MI 48180 734-287-2080 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile, Pastor Sunday, September 29, 2024 – Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost Mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church is to conserve and promote the true Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in our members, our community, and our world.
THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S Sun, October 6 Care & Share Sunday 12p – Evangelism meeting 2-3:30p – Life Chain 3-5p – Youth Event: Harvest Night Upcoming Events Saturday, October 12 9a-3p – Flea Market (Fellowship/Youth) Tuesday, October 15 6p – Women’s Bible Study Friday, October 18 9a – Women’s Bible Study Sunday, October 20 4:30p- Martin Luther’s Evening Supper
Welcome VISITORS and FRIENDS - We are honored to have you worship with us today on this day of the Lord’s Resurrection! Please wear a maskif you wish. RESTROOMS are off the lounge to the right (south side) of the main entrance. When leaving the pews, they will be on your left. The tower stairs (to your right while leaving the pews) lead down to the basement where there are another pair of restrooms. Feel free to use the LOUNGE if you or your children need a break. Since the Sacrament of Communion is administered to those instructed and examined in the Faith as Confessional Lutherans understand it, you will receive a verbal blessing unless you speak with Pastor beforehand. Families with young children are always welcome to worship with us. Feel free to take a quiet bag with coloring pages and crayons to your seat, found hanging in the coat closet.
First of the Month Care & Share Door OfferingToday will be the monthly Care & Share door offering as you leave the church after service. Please consider a donation to be used for our food pantry and various other sundry emergency needs that occur within our congregation and community.
Prayer Requests during a worship service can be made using the colored paper insert in the friendship registers and placed in the offering plates. If you would like someone to be added to the prayer list in our parish post, please reach out to the office via email or phone call.
Bible Study meets at 11am– please join us following worship! This week, Rev. Zeile teaches on Prayer from Martin Luther’s Catechism. Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be offered.
Sunday school continues this week in the school building. This class is open to school-aged children and youth and meets in the school building immediately following worship.
Zoom Bible Study meets tonight, Sunday, October 6th. Email [email protected] and ask for link. This week, we study 2 Timothy in our series on Shortest Books of the Bible. Fall Flea Marketdates have been posted in the newsletter. Vendors can reserve their spot for October 12th. Right to Life Sunday is TODAY, October 6. We'll be standing up for that right from 2:00-3:30 on the sidewalk in front of the church. Please come if you are able and feel free to bring a chair. Invite your Friends to attend our October 20th “Martin Luther’s Evening Supper.” The office is accepting payment for tickets. Cost is $35 to support our nationwide broadcast. We need your reservation by OCTOBER 10THif possible. Volunteers are needed for the October 20th dinner, Martin Luther Evening Supper! We need volunteers willing to help prep food a few days before the supper, and volunteers who are willing to serve food (taking to tables via rolling carts) during the dinner. If you are interested, then please talk with Laura Lenihan or Grace Hartz (or their husbands!). Harvest Night This Circuit youth event is for youth in grades 6-12. Join us on October 6th from 3-5p for a bonfire, devotional time, and games. Youth should bring a camp chair and their Bible.
Do you know about the LCMS National Youth Gathering?See the 2 picture books in the narthex to take a peek at St. John’s Youth & Adults who have attended this event. Youth who will be entering 9th grade through those finishing 12th grade are eligible to participate. Young adults 18-25 are eligible to volunteer as a YAV. For more information, see the synod site or speak with Katie Bauer about this amazing opportunity. This week on Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer, Pastor Zeile preaches on Psalm 1 “The Two Ways.” Sundays at 6pm on AM 560 and/or Mondays at 8pm on AM 1440. The message is broadcast on additional stations coast to coast. BUZZSPROUT – Other messages from Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer are also available anytime as a podcast found at: . We are continuing international broadcasting via WRMI Miami 77.30 mghz. We added 4 stations in Asheville, North Carolina to our log for 17 stations total, Coast to Coast! God’s grace and your gifts allow this expansion.
Stewardship ThoughtMark 10:6 – “But from the beginning of creation ...” In recent years our country, along with most (formerly) Christian nations of Europe, have lost their way when it comes to marriage. We have ignored the fact that it is God who created us. We always go off-the-tracks when we forget that He made us and that everything good in this world comes from His hand. In big things and in small things, in the life of a nation or the life of an individual, things go dreadfully wrong when we ignore the Creator’s instructions for life.
Member Poll We are looking for your opinion - Would you attend on Saturday night if communion was offered? If you’re interested in this, please see Pastor Zeile.
College Youth & Happy Mail Please give the name of a young adult attending college to the office to be added to the prayer list. We would also like to send them some happy mail. Please share their mailing address with the office or directly with Katie Bauer. Thank you! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + We offer prayers today for those listed and those we hold dear in our hearts. For those suffering in Areas of War
For Military and those who Protect Our Country–
Upcoming Surgeries, Hospitals Stays, & Recovery
In need of Healing –
Those in College Elizabeth Bauer, Jacob Bias, Peyton Culpepper, Jacob Datema, Anna Grimenstein, Michael Grimenstein, Sarah Grimenstein, Matthew Turner, Rachel Turner, Rachel Zorn
For those Expecting Brandan and Sarah Marshall, due on October 17th, (son of Diane Marshall, grandson of Gerda Dembeck) Bryan and Cara Spurlock, niece of Pastor Zeile
Flower Dedication – In Memory of Paul Adams from Lois Adams